
2013年03月19日 高桥 英海

高桥 英海
Translation and Intercultural Relationships
– Observations on Translations into and from Syriac



Syriac, a branch of Middle Aramaic, is a language that was used, mainly by Christians, in large areas of the Middle East from around the third century onwards. It is still used today as their literary and liturgical language by the descendants of those Christians both in their Middle Eastern homeland and in their European, American and Australasian diaspora, while in earlier times it also served as the principal vehicle for the spread of Christianity in all those parts of the Eurasian continent to the east of the birthplace of that religion. A large number of texts, both religious and secular, were translated into Syriac mainly from Greek, but also from other languages such as Hebrew, Middle Persian and Arabic, and translations were made, in turn, from Syriac into a variety of languages including Greek, Armenian, Ethiopic, Arabic, Middle and New Persian, Sogdian, Chinese and Malayalam. A number of such translations will be taken up in this presentation, and observations will be made on how the manner in which the texts were translated was affected by the social and cultural relationships between the communities using the languages involved.


2013年3月19日(火) 15時頃~ 約1時間



高桥 英海
1965年生。法兰克福大学博士(Dr. phil., Orientalistik),专业是叙利亚学(Syriac Studies, Syrologie)。专著、论文有Aristotelian Meteorology in Syriac、“The Mathematical Sciences in Syriac”、“Transcribed Proper Names in Chinese Syriac Christian Documents”、《印度喀拉拉邦的“圣托马斯·基督教徒”》等。以叙利亚语及阿拉伯语文献为中心,研究古代希腊的哲学、自然科学在中东世界的传承、 基督教与伊斯兰的关系、叙利亚基督教在亚洲的传播等。


