第3回 03月10日 约翰•欧迪
Body, Mind, World.
2014/3/10 - 3/11
These lectures will focus on philosophical problems which arise when we consider the mind and its place in the natural world. 18th-Century French physiologist Pierre Cabanis once asserted that “The brain secretes thought as the liver secretes bile.” In modern times, we are more likely to compare minds to computers. But is this way of thinking really an improvement? How to think about the relation between thought and world is an important theme in the history of philosophy. It connects to issues such as knowledge, religion, science, and what makes us who we are.
The lectures will be divided into four parts. The first part will focus on the problem of colour: are the colours we see around as really just creations of our own minds, or do they have an objective reality? In the second part, we will discuss the problem of illusion: does the fact that we can perceive wrongly mean that we do not directly perceive the world at all, as many have thought? The third part will be a lecture on the mind-body problem: what is the relationship between mind and body? The final part will be on the problem of consciousness: is an objective scientific theory of consciousness possible, or is consciousness only really knowable from a subjective point of view?
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- 约翰•欧迪
- 综合文化研究科超域文化研究专攻准教授。 从澳大利亚昆士兰大学到美国留学后,2002年取得莫纳什大学哲学博士学位。曾任东京大学国际交流研究中心特聘讲师,2013年起任现职。主要的研究对象是对意识经验进行科学解释。最近的研究是尝试对知觉体验自身进行哲学角度的阐释,特别关注的问题是知觉的恒常性。研究业绩有《Consciousness and the Problem of other Minds》、《A Proprioceptive Account of the Senses》、《Transparency and the Unity of Experience》等。
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