第3回 03月09日 内野 仪
―20世纪60年代后的美国表演剧事例讲义概要在美国表演剧中,肢体究竟有没有被问题化过?美国的所谓60年代表演剧被称为“肉体(或肢体)的表演剧”。那么,这里的“肉体(肢体)”所指为何物?其追求目标指向何处?进而言之,在快速发展的后现代式旋转之后,即在好似媒体化已全面贯彻的“现象世界”中,美国的表演剧是如何处理“肉体(肢体)”这一要素的。本讲义在提出以上疑问的同时,对处于美国的60年代后表演剧与表演艺术交界领域的理论开展进行比较与探讨。其间将适宜播放录像作为参考,试图深入研究美国表演性主观现象中的“肉体(肢体)”问题。(1)导读―美国表演剧的系谱学(2)68年类型表演剧中的“肉体(肢体)”录像:Living Theater、Open Theater 、Performance Group(3)“表达印象的表演剧”与肢体的印象化录像:Robert Wilson 、Richard Foreman(4)女权主义表演剧中的“肉体(肢体)”―以后现代舞蹈为辅线录像:Trisha Brown 、Steve Paxton 、Karen Finley(5)媒体―肢体的“消失”与“回归”录像:John Jesurun、Builders Association(6)总结与答疑参考文献:Bigsby, C. W. E.1985 A Critical Introduction to Twentieth Century American Drama, vol. 3. NY: Cambridge UP.Birringer, Johannes1991 Theatre, Theory, Postmodernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP.Champagne, Lenora1990 Out from Under: Texts by Women Performance Artists. NY: TCG.Finley, Karen1988 The Constant State of Desire. TDR 32, 1 (T117), 139-151. 邦訳――「欲望の恒常的状態」、渡辺佐智江訳、「シアターアーツ」第7号、205-15。 “Karen Finely: A Constant State of Becoming - An Interview by Richard Schechner.” TDR 32, 1 (T117), 152-8.1990 Shock Treatment. San Francisco: City Lights.Fried, Ronald K.1985 “The Cinematic Theatre of John Jesurun.” TDR 29,1 (T105), 57-72.Fuchs, Elinor1996 The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP.Otori, Hidenaga(鴻英良)1998 『二十世紀劇場』、朝日新聞社。Kaye, Nick2007 Multimedia: Video, Installation, Performance. London: Routledge.Keith, Harvey1988 Mondo New York. 4th & Broadway Films, color, 83 minutes.Hart, Lynda1992 “Motherhood According to Finley: The Theory of Total Blame.” TDR 36, 1 (T133), 124-34.Jesurun, John1986 Deep Sleep. In Word Plays 5, 223-304, NY: PAJ Publications.1987 “White Water.” On New Ground: Contemporary Hispanic-American plays, M. E. Osborne, Ed. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 73-142.1993 “Breaking the Relentless Spool of Film Unrolling.” Felix 1, 3: 65-9.2009 A Media Trilogy. California: NoPassport Press.Kitano, Keisuke(北野圭介)1997 「ポストモダニズムを射抜くミックスド・メディア・シアター」。「シアターアーツ」第7号、163-176。Marranca, Bonnie1977 “Introduction.” In The Theatre of Images, edited by Bonnie Marranca, ix-xv. NY: PAJ Publications.Martin, Carol (ed.)1996 A Sourcebook of Feminist Theatre and Performance: On and Beyond the Stage. NY: Routledge.Savran, David1988 Breaking the Rules: The Wooster Group. New York: TCG.Schneider, Rebecca1997 The Explicit Body in Performance. NY: Routledge.Tochigi, Akira(とちぎあきら)1997 「複数性の亀裂――フェミニズム的身体の変貌に向けて」。「シアターアーツ」第7号、39-44。Uchino, Tadashi(内野 儀)2001 『メロドラマからパフォーマンスへ――20世紀アメリカ演劇論』(東京大学出版会)。Wilmeth, Don B. and Miller, Tice L (eds.)1996 Cambridge Guide to American Theatre. NY: Cambridge UP.―20世纪60年代后的美国表演剧事例讲义概要在美国表演剧中,肢体究竟有没有被问题化过?美国的所谓60年代表演剧被称为“肉体(或肢体)的表演剧”。那么,这里的“肉体(肢体)”所指为何物?其追求目标指向何处?进而言之,在快速发展的后现代式旋转之后,即在好似媒体化已全面贯彻的“现象世界”中,美国的表演剧是如何处理“肉体(肢体)”这一要素的。本讲义在提出以上疑问的同时,对处于美国的60年代后表演剧与表演艺术交界领域的理论开展进行比较与探讨。其间将适宜播放录像作为参考,试图深入研究美国表演性主观现象中的“肉体(肢体)”问题。(1)导读―美国表演剧的系谱学(2)68年类型表演剧中的“肉体(肢体)”录像:Living Theater、Open Theater 、Performance Group(3)“表达印象的表演剧”与肢体的印象化录像:Robert Wilson 、Richard Foreman(4)女权主义表演剧中的“肉体(肢体)”―以后现代舞蹈为辅线录像:Trisha Brown 、Steve Paxton 、Karen Finley(5)媒体―肢体的“消失”与“回归”录像:John Jesurun、Builders Association(6)总结与答疑参考文献:Bigsby, C. W. E.1985 A Critical Introduction to Twentieth Century American Drama, vol. 3. NY: Cambridge UP.Birringer, Johannes1991 Theatre, Theory, Postmodernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP.Champagne, Lenora1990 Out from Under: Texts by Women Performance Artists. NY: TCG.Finley, Karen1988 The Constant State of Desire. TDR 32, 1 (T117), 139-151. 邦訳――「欲望の恒常的状態」、渡辺佐智江訳、「シアターアーツ」第7号、205-15。“Karen Finely: A Constant State of Becoming - An Interview by Richard Schechner.” TDR 32, 1 (T117), 152-8.1990 Shock Treatment. San Francisco: City Lights.Fried, Ronald K.1985 “The Cinematic Theatre of John Jesurun.” TDR 29,1 (T105), 57-72.Fuchs, Elinor1996 The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP.Otori, Hidenaga(鴻英良)1998 『二十世紀劇場』、朝日新聞社。Kaye, Nick2007 Multimedia: Video, Installation, Performance. London: Routledge.Keith, Harvey1988 Mondo New York. 4th & Broadway Films, color, 83 minutes.Hart, Lynda1992 “Motherhood According to Finley: The Theory of Total Blame.” TDR 36, 1 (T133), 124-34.Jesurun, John1986 Deep Sleep. In Word Plays 5, 223-304, NY: PAJ Publications.1987 “White Water.” On New Ground: Contemporary Hispanic-American plays, M. E. Osborne, Ed. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 73-142.1993 “Breaking the Relentless Spool of Film Unrolling.” Felix 1, 3: 65-9.2009 A Media Trilogy. California: NoPassport Press.Kitano, Keisuke(北野圭介)1997 「ポストモダニズムを射抜くミックスド・メディア・シアター」。「シアターアーツ」第7号、163-176。Marranca, Bonnie1977 “Introduction.” In The Theatre of Images, edited by Bonnie Marranca, ix-xv. NY: PAJ Publications.Martin, Carol (ed.)1996 A Sourcebook of Feminist Theatre and Performance: On and Beyond the Stage. NY: Routledge.Savran, David1988 Breaking the Rules: The Wooster Group. New York: TCG.Schneider, Rebecca1997 The Explicit Body in Performance. NY: Routledge.Tochigi, Akira(とちぎあきら)1997 「複数性の亀裂――フェミニズム的身体の変貌に向けて」。「シアターアーツ」第7号、39-44。Uchino, Tadashi(内野 儀)2001 『メロドラマからパフォーマンスへ――20世紀アメリカ演劇論』(東京大学出版会)。Wilmeth, Don B. and Miller, Tice L (eds.)1996 Cambridge Guide to American Theatre. NY: Cambridge UP.
录像:Living Theater、Open Theater 、Performance Group
录像:Robert Wilson 、Richard Foreman
录像:Trisha Brown 、Steve Paxton 、Karen Finley
录像:John Jesurun、Builders Association
Bigsby, C. W. E.
1985 A Critical Introduction to Twentieth Century American Drama, vol. 3. NY: Cambridge UP.
Birringer, Johannes
1991 Theatre, Theory, Postmodernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
Champagne, Lenora
1990 Out from Under: Texts by Women Performance Artists. NY: TCG.
Finley, Karen
1988 The Constant State of Desire. TDR 32, 1 (T117), 139-151. 邦訳――「欲望の恒常的状態」、渡辺佐智江訳、「シアターアーツ」第7号、205-15。
“Karen Finely: A Constant State of Becoming - An Interview by Richard Schechner.” TDR 32, 1 (T117), 152-8.
1990 Shock Treatment. San Francisco: City Lights.
Fried, Ronald K.
1985 “The Cinematic Theatre of John Jesurun.” TDR 29,1 (T105), 57-72.
Fuchs, Elinor
1996 The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
Otori, Hidenaga(鴻英良)
1998 『二十世紀劇場』、朝日新聞社。
Kaye, Nick
2007 Multimedia: Video, Installation, Performance. London: Routledge.
Keith, Harvey
1988 Mondo New York. 4th & Broadway Films, color, 83 minutes.
Hart, Lynda
1992 “Motherhood According to Finley: The Theory of Total Blame.” TDR 36, 1 (T133), 124-34.
Jesurun, John
1986 Deep Sleep. In Word Plays 5, 223-304, NY: PAJ Publications.
1987 “White Water.” On New Ground: Contemporary Hispanic-American plays, M. E. Osborne, Ed. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 73-142.
1993 “Breaking the Relentless Spool of Film Unrolling.” Felix 1, 3: 65-9.
2009 A Media Trilogy. California: NoPassport Press.
Kitano, Keisuke(北野圭介)
1997 「ポストモダニズムを射抜くミックスド・メディア・シアター」。「シアターアーツ」第7号、163-176。
Marranca, Bonnie
1977 “Introduction.” In The Theatre of Images, edited by Bonnie Marranca, ix-xv. NY: PAJ Publications.
Martin, Carol (ed.)
1996 A Sourcebook of Feminist Theatre and Performance: On and Beyond the Stage. NY: Routledge.
Savran, David
1988 Breaking the Rules: The Wooster Group. New York: TCG.
Schneider, Rebecca
1997 The Explicit Body in Performance. NY: Routledge.
Tochigi, Akira(とちぎあきら)
1997 「複数性の亀裂――フェミニズム的身体の変貌に向けて」。「シアターアーツ」第7号、39-44。
Uchino, Tadashi(内野 儀)
2001 『メロドラマからパフォーマンスへ――20世紀アメリカ演劇論』(東京大学出版会)。
Wilmeth, Don B. and Miller, Tice L (eds.)
1996 Cambridge Guide to American Theatre. NY: Cambridge UP.
…… 录像:Living Theater、Open Theater 、Performance Group
…… 录像:Robert Wilson 、Richard Foreman
…… 录像:Trisha Brown 、Steve Paxton 、Karen Finley
…… 录像:John Jesurun、Builders Association
- 講師紹介
- 内野 仪
- 综合文化研究科超域文化科学专业文化动力学讲座教授。 专业方向是以20世纪60年代以后美国与日本的现代舞台剧为中心的舞台艺术论。关注的问题有,用后殖民之后的批评理论和身体论等将20世纪90年代以后的美国表演艺术发展历史化,将日本的现代舞台艺术置于欧美的理论性文脉中进行考察等。专著有《从音乐剧到舞台表演——20世纪美国演剧论》(东京大学出版会)等多种。
- 参考文献
- Bigsby, C. W. E. --- 1985: A Critical Introduction to Twentieth Century American Drama, vol. 3. NY: Cambridge UP.
- Birringer, Johannes --- 1991: Theatre, Theory, Postmodernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
- Champagne, Lenora --- 1990: Out from Under: Texts by Women Performance Artists. NY: TCG.
- Finley, Karen --- 1988: The Constant State of Desire. TDR 32, 1 (T117), 139-151. 邦訳――「欲望の恒常的状態」、渡辺佐智江訳、「シアターアーツ」第7号、205-15。
- "Karen Finely: A Constant State of Becoming - An Interview by Richard Schechner." TDR 32, 1 (T117), 152-8.
- 1990: Shock Treatment. San Francisco: City Lights.
- Fried, Ronald K. --- 1985: The Cinematic Theatre of John Jesurun. TDR 29,1 (T105), 57-72.
- Fuchs, Elinor --- 1996: The Death of Character: Perspectives on Theater after Modernism. Bloomington: Indiana UP.
- Otori, Hidenaga(鴻英良) --- 1998: 『二十世紀劇場』、朝日新聞社。
- Kaye, Nick --- 2007: Multimedia: Video, Installation, Performance. London: Routledge.
- Keith, Harvey --- 1988: Mondo New York. 4th & Broadway Films, color, 83 minutes.
- Hart, Lynda --- 1992: Motherhood According to Finley: The Theory of Total Blame. TDR 36, 1 (T133), 124-34.
- Jesurun, John --- 1986: Deep Sleep. In Word Plays 5, 223-304, NY: PAJ Publications.
- 1987: "White Water." On New Ground: Contemporary Hispanic-American plays, M. E. Osborne, Ed. New York: Theatre Communications Group, 73-142.
- 1993: "Breaking the Relentless Spool of Film Unrolling." Felix 1, 3: 65-9.
- 2009: A Media Trilogy. California: NoPassport Press.
- Kitano, Keisuke(北野圭介) --- 1997: 「ポストモダニズムを射抜くミックスド・メディア・シアター」。「シアターアーツ」第7号、163-176。
- Marranca, Bonnie --- 1977: "Introduction." In The Theatre of Images, edited by Bonnie Marranca, ix-xv. NY: PAJ Publications.
- Martin, Carol (ed.) --- 1996: A Sourcebook of Feminist Theatre and Performance: On and Beyond the Stage. NY: Routledge.
- Savran, David --- 1988: Breaking the Rules: The Wooster Group. New York: TCG.
- Schneider, Rebecca --- 1997: The Explicit Body in Performance. NY: Routledge.
- Tochigi, Akira(とちぎあきら) --- 1997: 「複数性の亀裂――フェミニズム的身体の変貌に向けて」。「シアターアーツ」第7号、39-44。
- Uchino, Tadashi(内野儀) --- 2001: 『メロドラマからパフォーマンスへ――20世紀アメリカ演劇論』(東京大学出版会)。
- Wilmeth, Don B. and Miller, Tice L (eds.) --- 1996: Cambridge Guide to American Theatre. NY: Cambridge UP.
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